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support micro-entrepreneurs

A work at home mom (WAHM)journal. FunTables are unique hand painted children's furniture.

Monday, June 20, 2005

support micro-entrepreneurs

This is my first BLOG. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

Recently I attended a micro-entrepreneur’s vendor conference hosted by United Way and Goodwill Industries. (Read more about the GMEN conference at http://www.georgiamicroenterprise.org/organization/history.html )

This was my first attempt at vending my product: FunTables by Marilyn. I did not know what to expect. To be honest I was very nervous. I turned to my online friends for support. I received several emails of encouragements; so I went in with my superwoman cape on full of confidence. As I walked into the lobby where the conference was being held, I noticed a beautiful buffet table full of an assortment of fruit and pastries. Now if food couldn’t calm me down… what would? My first thought was, “wow that’s nice of them to serve us breakfast”. I had not eaten breakfast because I was completing a task that I should’ve taken care of the night before. That was the plan, but I’d worked through the wee hours of the morning finishing up on my FunTables and accessories projects. (shameless plug :) ). I remember thinking that I should stop and get something for breakfast and lunch because I would be there all day. Again my organizing skills (or lack of ) came into play and I decide to be on time instead. Well it turns out that United Way and Goodwill provided breakfast, lunch, and a snack. Enough about food, on with my venture…
I found the perfect spot and began to setup the FunTables when I noticed a mother and son team sitting next to me. They had such a wonderful relationship. It warmed my heart to listen to the two of them bond. The young man was 12 (almost 13, per him), but his mother had groomed him into a potential millionaire. He knew his product, he was aware of which fragrances women like and the type men were attracted to. They sold air freshners. http://www.jazzyfresh.com/ He knew the pricing, he even paid attention to the color of the bags he gave his customers. I must say, he’s a millionaire in the making. I’ve promised my youngest daughter’s hand in marriage to him… once he hit the millionaire status of course.
There’s a non-profit called GrassRoots Institiute, Inc. GrassRoots allows artist to place their work in the store with a commitment of teaching the kids at the institute what they do. You may visit them at http://www.grassrootsinst.net/.
There was a business plan writing contest where there were 4 winners. 1st prize was $1500.00, 2nd prize was $1000.00, 3rd prize was $500.00, and 4th prize was $100.00. The 1st prize winner was Dionna Littlejohn who is a personal fitness trainer. Dionna Littlejohn was given the opportunity to give a speech, but she was so overwhelmed the most she could get out is, “I can’t believe I’m up here.”
The GMEN sponsors gave “vendor money” to other entrepreneurs attending seminar classes. The “vendor money” was to be used to support the micro entrepreneur vendors who were set up to sell at the conference. I noticed a director who purchased something from each table. I really appreciated that gesture, that truly showed that she believed in supporting the entrepreneurs both through the service that she offers and financially.
The last person I’d like to talk about was a speaker who left a lasting impression because she was a victim of domestic violence, Tijuana. Tijuana overcame a very debilitating obstacle and now owns a hair salon called http://yp.bellsouth.com/sites/thesalonatthevillas/ . Big prop’s to Tijuana and all ex-victims of domestic violence who have overcome.

Thanks to United Way, Goodwill Industries and all of their supporters.

Support a micro- entrepreneur.

Here are a list of micro business who attended the conference, and I had time to pick up a business card. Check them out.

http://funtables4kids.com/ that's me... more advertising