I live on the corner to the entrance of my neighborhood. The street that is perpendicular to my subdivison has curves going both ways. When I moved into this subdivision there was only 2 other subdivisions on the main street, along with a couple to homes. Well they've built about 8 additional subdivisions within a mile radius. Needless to say, it's getting kind of crowded. Back to the accident. I was chatting with one of my neighbors when all of a sudden, we heard this screech and boom! Our 1st thoughts were, where are our kids. We jumped up, ran outside, no shoes, no phone, just us... SUPERMOMS to the rescue!!! So, it turns out that what we heard did not affect our kids, but there was a pretty bad accident. The driver who was turning into our subdivision hit a lady with two very small children. The baby was about 2-3 months old, and the 2-3 yr old was not happy that this "little" thing that just happened could possibly stop her shopping expedition. Now, mom's front left tire, along with her brake pad, and other wires and stuff was lying under the front of the gentleman's truck. Mom was on the phone, probably calling her husband. The 3 yr old asked her mom when they were going to the mall. Mom explained patiently that they couldn't go to the mall. "Mommy, she whined, I want to go to the mall". See men won't get this, but there's nothing in the world that would stop a woman from shopping. It must be in the XX Chromosome, that XY deal just messes them up.;) just kidding. Although, I do think that the definition of the XX chromosome is 'born a DIVA, or born to shop', which could be one in the same. Okay, back to the accident and more on the physics of the XX & XY chromosome. I went to the gentleman to see if he was okay. In the beginning, I thought he was in shock because he'd just been in a car accident. He sat in his car, not moving, just looking ahead. He finally said he was okay, so I told him to turn his car off. I didn't know if it would expode or something... too many movies I guess. Well, his mother just happened to drive up on the accident. She was on the phone with her other son. About 2 minutes later, "speed racer" drove up. I thought he was trying to join his brother and participate in the accident, but he was just scared. He said his mother did not give him the news in the right tone. He thought something had happened to his brother. ahhhh how sweet. We were waiting for the police about 20 minutes, they are only 7 minutes away.?? Gotta love the 911 system. Everyone kept asking the gentleman if he was okay, he said yes. I told his mom and his wife that he was in pain. I could see it in his face. But hey they didn't know me and he's "the man". I could imagine him banging on his chest saying...'me man, you not man'. When the police showed up and started asking him if he was okay, if he needed the ambulance, what hurt, etc. This tarzan, XY chromosomes times 10, man began fighting back tears. He was hurting bad enough to get strapped in and ride in the back of the ambulance. What happened to the lady and the girls that he hit? I'm glad you asked, They probably caught a ride to the mall... DIVA style.